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Building Promise USA
Code of Conduct

Building Promise USA Code of Conduct is built to create and foster a healthy and balanced work environment. This code ensures the safety of everyone, and establishes boundaries allowing everyone to feel safe and con􀀁dent.

➢    I will be responsible with the technology made available to me. I understand that disrupting others can result in being asked to leave for the day.

➢    I understand that only I am responsible for my actions. I understand that poor behavior can result in being denied resources, and unable to receive additional support.

➢    I will not be under the in􀀂uence of any addictive drugs. I understand that BPUSA is a sober facility and does not condone the use of addictive drugs on site or in their office􀀃s.

➢    I will respect people. I will respect their privacy, boundaries, and autonomy. I understand that discrimination/harassment will not be tolerated. If I feel unsafe, I will speak to a sta􀀄ff member.

➢    I understand this is a safe and harassment-free environment. BPUSA has a zero tolerance policy towards any form of sexual misconduct. Violation of this rule results in immediate removal.

➢    I understand if found in violation of BPUSA’s Code of Conduct, I will be removed from the organization, and will not continue receiving services. I understand that signing this document means I have read, understood, and agreed to comply with BPUSA’s expectations.

➢    Expulsion from BPUSA is at the Executive Director’s discretion, and only after three attempts have been made to improve the behavior/situation.

Violating the Code of Conduct:

1st: Verbal warning;

2nd: Written warning, and loss of any associated privileges;


3rd: Removed from the program, unable to return.

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